Sea Asparagus Goma-ae (の胡麻和え)
Green Salad with Japanese-Style Carrot Dressing
Instant-Pot Japanese Chicken Curry (チキンカレー)
Mentsuyu (麺汁)
Salsa Verde
Umami Paleo Japanese Mayonnaise (マヨネーズ)
Braised Sumac Chicken Thighs with Carrot Top Tahini Yogurt Sauce
Grapefruit Ponzu (グレープフルーツポン酢)
Tomato Shallot Raita (Paleo, Vegetarian)

My name is Joëlle. I love being in the kitchen: creating, eating, teaching and sharing. I started Kindred Kitchen with a passionate desire to help more people experience food at its full potential: food as nourishment and healing, food as a doorway to discover the breadth of human diversity and ingenuity, and finally, food as an act of community and love.
The recipes and musings I present here document my playful exploration of taste, culture and nutrition, with plenty of curious vegetables, rogue chopsticks and bubbling mason jars.
Let’s Keep in Touch!