Fresh Coconut Chutney (नारियल चटनी)
Spinach with Walnut Miso Sauce (ほうれん草のくるみ和え)
Sorrel Soup (Soupe à l’Oseille)
Japanese Beef Curry
Red Wine-Braised Chestnuts
Juniper Beer (Psiwo Kozicowe)
Pink Dongchimi (분홍색 동치미)
Soy and Butter-Fried Matsutake with Gingko Nuts, Yuzu and Cured Egg Yolk
Wild Mushrooms with Pancetta, Rosemary and Pine Nuts

My name is Joëlle. I love being in the kitchen: creating, eating, teaching and sharing. I started Kindred Kitchen with a passionate desire to help more people experience food at its full potential: food as nourishment and healing, food as a doorway to discover the breadth of human diversity and ingenuity, and finally, food as an act of community and love.
The recipes and musings I present here document my playful exploration of taste, culture and nutrition, with plenty of curious vegetables, rogue chopsticks and bubbling mason jars.
Let’s Keep in Touch!